Well, never wanting to ruin a perfectly good evening, how can we know what the appropriate glassware is for a given drink? Let's start out with this quiz, taken from the 1974 edition of The Booze Book published by Playboy Press:
Well, it's a hell of a thing to spring a quiz like that at you without any studying at all. Let's have a little review while we grade your tests. This is a spread from a 1953 recipe booklet published by DuBouchett:
As you can see, the names of the given glasses are given at the bottom, coordinating with the little numbers next to the glasses. Notice that they have no fewer than 4 separate "cocktail" glasses, as well as glasses for a sour and a flip (these being drinks that we now think of as cocktails, although they have a unique origin separate from cocktails -- but they're seldom ordered anymore, especially flips; perhaps we'll feature the flip some future Friday). Why 4 separate "cocktail" glasses? Maybe to fill out the picture? They did things differently in the 50s. Here's a more "down to basics" list of glasses from a 1980s-era booklet:
Reading the note at the end, it's clear that they're even relaxing and being a little less fussy on the precise glassware. But, if you want fussiness and precision, study this detailed explanation from the circa 1970 edition of the Playboy's Host & Bar Book:
And, maybe on the lighter side, for laughs, here are some glassware suggestions from the ever reliable 1974 edition of You Are What You Drink:
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